Mint Object
Only a Mint can issue new digital assets.
A Mint has a one-to-one relationship with both an Issuer and a Brand. So it can only mint new assets of that Brand and is the only Mint that can mint new assets of that Brand.
Mints are created by calling the makeIssuerKit() function. See the Issuer documentation for detailed information about how to use this function.
- Returns: Issuer
Returns the Issuer uniquely associated with this Mint. From its creation, a Mint is always in an unchangeable one-to-one relationship with a particular Issuer.
const { issuer: quatloosIssuer, mint: quatloosMint } = makeIssuerKit('quatloos')
const quatloosMintIssuer = quatloosMint.getIssuer()
// Returns true
issuer === quatloosMintIssuer
Creates and returns new digital assets of the Mint's associated Brand. From its creation, a Mint is always in an unchangeable one-to-one relationship with a Brand.
const {
issuer: quatloosIssuer,
mint: quatloosMint,
brand: quatloosBrand
} = makeIssuerKit('quatloos')
const quatloos1000 = amountMath.make(quatloosBrand, 1000n)
// newPayment will have a balance of 1000 Quatloos
const newPayment = quatloosMint.mintPayment(quatloos1000)
aMint.mintPayment() is the only way to create new digital assets. There is no other way.