Writing a Core Eval Script to Deploy a Contract
When a core eval script is evaluated, the completion value is expected to be a function. The function is invoked with a BootstrapPowers object with various capabilities useful for deploying contracts.
For example, in dapp-agoric-basics, there's a contract to sell concert tickets. To deploy it, we
- install the contract bundle as a Zoe installation
- start the contract instance, using the IST brand to make price amounts for terms
- publish the installation and instance in the agoricNames name service under the name sellConcertTickets in the installation and instance section, respectively
- publish its Ticket issuer and brand in the agoricNames issuer and brand sections, respectively.
After some preliminaries, ...
imports, makeTerms etc.
// @ts-check
import { allValues } from './objectTools.js'
import {
} from './platform-goals/start-contract.js'
const { Fail } = assert
const IST_UNIT = 1_000_000n
export const makeInventory = (brand, baseUnit) => {
return {
frontRow: {
tradePrice: AmountMath.make(brand, baseUnit * 3n),
maxTickets: 3n
middleRow: {
tradePrice: AmountMath.make(brand, baseUnit * 2n),
maxTickets: 3n
lastRow: {
tradePrice: AmountMath.make(brand, baseUnit * 1n),
maxTickets: 3n
export const makeTerms = (brand, baseUnit) => {
return {
inventory: makeInventory(brand, baseUnit)
* @typedef {{
* brand: PromiseSpaceOf<{ Ticket: Brand }>;
* issuer: PromiseSpaceOf<{ Ticket: Issuer }>;
* instance: PromiseSpaceOf<{ sellConcertTickets: Instance }>
* }} SellTicketsSpace
... the function for deploying the contract is startSellConcertTicketsContract
const contractName = 'sellConcertTickets'
* Core eval script to start contract
* @param {BootstrapPowers} permittedPowers
* @param {*} config
export const startSellConcertTicketsContract = async (powers, config) => {
console.log('core eval for', contractName)
const {
// must be supplied by caller or template-replaced
bundleID = Fail`no bundleID`
} = config?.options?.[contractName] ?? {}
const installation = await installContract(powers, {
name: contractName,
const ist = await allValues({
brand: powers.brand.consume.IST,
issuer: powers.issuer.consume.IST
const terms = makeTerms(ist.brand, 1n * IST_UNIT)
await startContract(powers, {
name: contractName,
startArgs: {
issuerKeywordRecord: { Price: ist.issuer },
issuerNames: ['Ticket']
console.log(contractName, '(re)started')
A BootstrapPowers
object is composed of several promise spaces. A promise space is a { produce, consume }
pair where
is a promise associated with a specific name.produce[name].resolve(value)
resolves the promise associated with the same name by providing a value.
There is one such space at the top, so that powers.consume.zoe
is a promise for the Zoe Service. This promise was resolved early in the execution of the virtual machine.
There are also several more promise spaces one level down, including:
The installContract
helper calls E(zoe).installBundleID(bundleID)
to create an Installation
, much like our earlier discussion of Contract installation. It also calls powers.installation[name].resolve(installation)
* Given a bundleID and a permitted name, install a bundle and "produce"
* the installation, which also publishes it via agoricNames.
* @param {BootstrapPowers} powers - zoe, installation.produce[name]
* @param {{ name: string, bundleID: string }} opts
export const installContract = async (
{ consume: { zoe }, installation: { produce: produceInstallation } },
{ name, bundleID }
) => {
const installation = await E(zoe).installBundleID(bundleID)
console.log(name, 'installed as', bundleID.slice(0, 8))
return installation
This installation
promise space is linked to the E(agoricNames).lookup('installation')
NameHub: when you call produce[name].resolve(value)
on the installation promise space, it triggers an update in the NameHub. The update associates the provided name with the provided value so that E(agoricNames).lookup('installation', name)
is a promise for value
Similarly, the startContract()
helper does E(zoe).startInstance(...)
as in our earlier discussion of starting a contract instance. Plus, it "produces" the instance so that it's available as E(agoricNames).lookup('instance', 'sellConcertTickets')
. Once the contract is started, the helper uses the issuerNames
argument to get the Ticket
issuer and brand and "produces" them likewise as E(agoricNames).lookup('issuer', 'Ticket')
and E(agoricNames).lookup('brand', 'Ticket')